Sacramento Freifechter
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Courses Offerings
All of our courses are designed to allow student's to drop in as their schedule allows. Each class is 1 hour long.
Course Descriptions
Longsword-101: Introduction to Historical Fencing
Sunday: 11am to 12pm
Do TV shows and Movies get it right when depicting how a sword is used? Sadly the answer is no. In this introductory course to Historical Fencing the student will begin to learn the fundamental aspects of using a sword. Topics covered include: how to hold a sword, stance and footwork, postures and their uses, cutting mechanics and measuring distance. This course takes a minimum of 8 1 hour classes to finish although some people may take longer. All required gear is provided for this course.
Longsword-102: Flow, Fitness and Footwork
Sunday: 12pm to 1pm
Appropriate for beginners and experienced fencers alike, the Flow, Fitness and Footwork class focuses on embedding skills into your muscle memory. During this class you will be constantly moving, cutting, and working through techniques and drills as described by Joachim Meyer combined with modern sports pedagogy.
Longsword-201: Core Techniques
Sunday: 1pm to 2pm
Each class will focus on one of the Core Techniques in Meyer's Kunst des Fechtens. Techniques are broken down and introduced in a simple and intuitive manner before they are built back up into more complex drills that approximate a real engagement.
Longsword-202: Freeplay
Sunday: 2pm to 3pm
Freeplay fencing is open to anyone that has finished their Introduction to Historical Fencing course. This session does not count against a members weekly class hours.